Don’t Let These 6 Things Stop You Living Your Best Life as You get Older

by | Positive Ageing

Aging: it’s not for the faint-hearted, but let’s be honest, the alternative is worse. As the years tick by, it’s easy to feel like life is slowing down and the best days are in the rearview mirror. Well, poppycock! Getting older doesn’t mean hanging up your party shoes; it just means changing them for something a bit more comfortable—and maybe with better arch support. Here are some common stumbling blocks to living your best life as you age, and how to hurdle right over them.

  1. The Myth of the “Right Age”

Who decided that certain activities have an age limit? Skydiving, learning to dance, or starting yoga can be done at any age. Your passion for life doesn’t expire when you hit a certain decade. So, if you want to start painting or take up tap dancing, go for it. The only “right age” is now.

  1. Fear of Technology

 Yes, technology moves fast—there’s always a new gadget or gizmo popping up, claiming to be the next big thing. But embracing technology can keep you connected and make life easier. Learn to video call your family, order groceries online, or use a smart home device. Local libraries and community centres often offer free classes to get you up to speed. Instead of shying away, lean in and let technology help you live more freely.

  1. Sticking to the Same Old Routine

 Comfort zones are, well, comfortable. But they can also be as dull as dishwater if you’re not careful. Shake things up a bit. Try a new restaurant, visit a new town, or just switch your morning walk to a different park. Small changes can make a big difference in refreshing your outlook and experiences.

  1. Neglecting Your Social Life

 If your social life is dwindling, it’s time to inject some fun into it. Join clubs, volunteer, or reconnect with old friends. Social interactions can boost your mood and your cognitive health. Remember, it’s not about the number of friends you have; it’s about the quality of meaningful interactions.

  1. Thinking Exercise Isn’t for You

 The older we get, the more our body needs movement to stay healthy and limber, so it’s sad that so many older people stop exercising, often due to fear of injury! The fact is, the healthier and more active you are, the less likely you are to be seriously injured as a senior! So, try activities like walking, swimming, or tai chi, and let them enhance your quality of life.

  1. Worrying About ‘Being a Burden’

 This is a big one. As you age, there might come a time when you need a bit of help, and that’s perfectly okay. Whether it’s home help, a retirement village, or a care home, these options exist to give you support, not strip away your independence. Modern care homes, for instance, offer vibrant communities with activities, social events, and the right level of care you need to keep living your life with zest.

Getting older is mandatory, but growing old? That’s optional. With the right attitude and a few adjustments, your later years can be filled with just as much adventure and joy as any other time in your life!


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Denise Taylor

Chief Inspiration Officer, The 50 Plus Coach.